Movement exercises enhance vitality, calm the mind, and help focus on the present moment.
Classes in Spring 2025
Thursdays 8:45–9:45
Teacher: Yoshi Omori
Sign up: yoshi.omori@live.com
Teaching language: English / Finnish
Location: VIRGIINIA, Karjalankatu 2
Single class: €18 / €16
10-class pass: €160 / €145
5-class pass: €85 / €75
“As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
As the Universe, So the Soul”
Qigong – Vitality and Balance for Body and Mind
Qigong is a traditional Chinese practice that strengthens and balances the body's internal life energy, Qi. The movements are soft and flowing, transitioning from small to large circles, alternating between slow and fast arcs, and incorporating spirals. Regular practice improves physical strength, endurance, oxygen uptake, and joint mobility. These standing exercises help activate and reinforce the body's energy field, supporting overall well-being and inner harmony.
During the session, Yoshi channel Reiki energy to all participants. The natural rhythm of Qigong and the resonance created by the movements make the body more receptive, allowing Reiki to flow smoothly to where it is most needed.
We conclude the practice with a meditation accompanied by the sound of a crystal singing bowl. The vibrations and frequencies of the bowl, combined with the resonance of the Om mantra, help harmonize energy and purify the aura, creating a deep sense of peace and renewal.
Welcome to experience the gentle power of Qigong. The class is open to everyone.
Yoshi Omori has been practicing Qigong for 30 years.
“After Yoshi’s qigong -reiki classes I have felt grounded, spacious, energized and relaxed, and that feeling has been continuing all the day. The practice integrates mind and body and after practise I have felt also deeper connection to myself and environment restful and relaxed way. The experience has light and brightened quality that brings smile to my face and body. ”

“ “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ”