Qigong auttaa keskittymään, tuo rentoutta mieleen ja tasapainottaa energian virtaamista kehossa.

Tunnit syksyllä 22.8 alkaen


Torstaisin klo 9.00-10.00

Kertamaksu 18 / 16 € (sis. alv)

10 x sarjakortti 160 € / 145 €

5 x sarjakortti 85 € / 75 €

Opettaja Yoshi Omori

Ilmoittaudu mukaan: yoshi.omori@live.com

Teaching language english / suomi

Yoshi Omorin Qi gong -aamutunneilla harjoitetaan Qi gongin muotoa, jota kutsutaan “silkin kehräämiseksi” (silk reeling). Siinä vuorottelevat hidas ja nopea liike sekä hetkelliset voiman purkaukset. Harjoitteissa työskennellään yinin ja yangin, täyden ja tyhjän, oikean ja vasemman kanssa. Harjoituksen aikana Yoshi ohjaa Reiki energiaa.

Harjoitteet auttavat keskittymään, pehmentävät kehoa, rentouttavat ja mahdollistavat energian virtaamisen. Kurssi on avoin kaikille. Yoshi Omori on harjoittanut Qi gongia 15 vuoden ajan.

As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
As the Universe, So the Soul
- Hermes Trismegistus -

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
— Nikola Tesla

Qiqong is originally a Chinese doctrine of the body of Qi, the internal life energy, balancing, strengthening and revitalising the body through exercise and mental exercises. The movements are very soft, based on cercle, starts with small cercle to big, alternating between slow and fast circles and various spirals series of movements made while standing.
These movement helps to create your energy body, torus energy field.
During exercise, I send all people Reiki, your body is ready and easy to receive Reiki, because of resonance of energy.
In this workshop, we harmonise Life vital energy and Higher energy of Reiki, so that healing goes smoothly into your body, where needs to go.
At end of class, we meditate with crystal singing bowl. The vibration and frequency of crystal singing bowl and om mantra helps harmony of energy and purify aura field.

After Yoshi’s qigong -reiki classes I have felt grounded, spacious, energized and relaxed, and that feeling has been continuing all the day. The practice integrates mind and body and after practise  I have felt also deeper connection to myself and environment restful and relaxed way. The experience has light and brightened quality that brings smile to my face and body.